Each month the coaching staff at EHP selects a member that is “Better Than Yesterday!” The selected recipient is a great example of EHP’s CREDO– demonstrating compassion, honesty, resilience, perseverance, and tenacity. Brandi Aranda was selected as May’s “Better Than Yesterday” recipient.

Brandi was asked a series of questions about her experience at EHP:

  • Why did you start Elevate/CrossFit?
    Last summer Callie talked me into going to a buddy day and I’ve been hooked ever since! To say I have been hooked since day one is probably the best way to put it.
  • Why do you continue Elevate/CrossFit?
    I have been thriving off of the feeling of improving. Whether its completing a WOD under the time cap or if it’s improving up the modified versions of our skills, there are always ways to keep improving and advancing throughout CrossFit. I absolutely LOVE the community that CrossFit has introduced to my life. Everyone is constantly pushing each other to do our best and is SO kind. I recently got my first toes to bar and the next day had people congratulating me on what seems like a small yet large accomplishment at the same time. I continue to strive for those accomplishments as well as do my best to encourage others to do the same. It’s really been an amazing atmosphere all around.
  • What has been your greatest achievement since joining EHP Performance?
    My greatest achievement since starting EHP is definitely being able to do 10 unbroken regular push-ups. I might look back at this and say to myself “What a silly small achievement.” BUT they are always something that I have never been able to do. I am so excited to see what more I can do and what my next strides and advancements are.
  • How has your life changed since joining EHP Performance?
    My life has changed in many ways! Whether it’s actually spending time for myself for once and setting aside an hour or two just to leave everything at the door and focus on bettering myself and trying my best for nobody but myself, or the fact that I spend time with new friends that I’ve made at EHP outside of putting ourselves through some pretty tough WODs. Three years ago if somebody told me I’d be doing CrossFit, ripping my hands at 6 AM, completing my first open, doing the One Ton challenge, or even being more fit than my 19 year old brother (no he will never live that down haha) I would’ve laughed and said “Yeah right”! Today I am more confident in myself not only with what I am physically capable of doing, but also how i look physically. The results from exercising more and eating better are crazy and I never thought that I was capable of looking or feeling this great!
  • Anything else you would like to share about yourself, fitness journey and/or EHP:
    This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but before I started EHP and people would ask “What do you do for fun?” or “What are your hobbies?” I never really had an answer. Now I can confidently say that I LOVE doing CrossFit, I’m interested in staring rock climbing or bouldering, I like rollerblading while following friends on their run, and trying new things. I have never been so excited to try new ways of being active and actually doing them. My fitness journey still seems like it’s just begun and I cannot wait to look back at where I have started and see how far I’ve come. This also may sound silly, but I have had multiple dreams about being able to do a muscle up. So needless to say, that’s high up on my goal list.

Brandi is bubbly, welcoming and hard working; she is such a light in every room she’s in! Brandi’s progress over the last 8 months has been remarkable and we can’t wait to see where she’s at in another 8 months.

Brandi, we are so happy that you found your niche in the CrossFit community– you belong here! Keep up the great work!